Due to a scheduled Kernelupdate, the login nodes, i.e., login23-*, are temporarily unavailable during the update. The nodes will be available again, as soon as the update is completed.
At the moment, some issues with the file systems that impact the performance are observed. File access can be severely delayed consequently. The issue is currently under investigation.
During a kernel update issues occured which lead to delays in re-deploying the nodes to the batch service. Consequently, a large number of compute nodes is unavailable at the moment (reserved and/or down). We are currently working on handing the respective nodes and will release them as fast as possible.
The updates could be completed. The nodes are available again.
The HPC JupyterHub is currently unavailable due to unforeseen errors in the filesystems. A solution is being worked on.
The kernel of the CLAIX23 copy node claix23-2 has to be updated. The node will be available again as soon as the update is finished.